Monday 15 August 2011

The right way to Jump Start A Dead Car Battery

The right way to Jump Start A Dead Car Battery

Jump Starter

It 'was written and said car batteries and how to jump start a car
that a dead man. The fact is that much of this information is incorrect or incomplete.

Sooner or later you will find your car in a car with a dead battery. So please read on.

Here I will give you the correct way and up to date to jump start a car safely. Of course this is when you are stuck away from home. If you are at home the best thing to do is to use a charger, no recall orCables.
First of all you should not jump the wires for the car, secondly, the best options are to be used with a booster or just call (an expert mobile service) or by car in a repair shop. If the battery is older than 3 years or so, it could be bad.
If you need to use cables then here show me the right way to do it.
Read the entire article, because the data is all about the same.

First some information on batteries.

I repair many vehicles with bad batteries.The reasons the battery went bad, there may be many, so after a jump of a car, you should seek professional help. Here, I'll tell you what a battery can go wrong, what to do to prevent it and things to do in an emergency situation.

Because a battery goes bad:

alternator or Bad.

Bad or loose belt or serpentine belt, serpentine or missing or out of evil to another component.
or excessive heat or cold.

or Age.

or defective part of the factory. (Rare).

or LeaveCar sit too long or the car will not go short trips

so that the battery is charging.

or discharge too much, as the battery is too small for the demand. Or maybe

There are add-ons like monster stereo systems etc.

Or parasitic drain. Or just leave the lights on or something.

or dirty connector / terminals.

or vibration. If you do not hold water.

or fill using the wrong fluid, such as tap water instead of distilled water.

or BadComputer. The voltage regulator is in a car.

or physical damage. Car accident, went down.

Taking care of your battery.

The best way is to avoid the failures of the regular maintenance of the vehicle battery. If maintenance is performed regularly, the battery must be one of the following
The main points discussed. They should clean the terminals, complete when the liquid is possible only with distilled water, some tests on it, and of course the charging system test, etc.
In addition, thebest batteries to meet their maker sooner or later. You can "hard ¬" soft or die, but they all die. The average life expectancy of most batteries is approximately 3 years, believe it or not. Some may be top of the batteries last longer. I have noticed a decline in battery life recently. So if the battery is about that age, they checked to change or simply rest are special, if you make a long journey.

What if your battery is empty.

In an emergency, when aBattery is discharged, the first thing that comes to mind is to "jump" the car in general. Well, it is not recommended. Above all, this action is potentially dangerous. (This can cause an explosion and injure or even kill (pieces of plastic at very high speeds to be able to cut the throat), blind, or stun). The best thing would be for someone to come and check the car or bring it to a shop (there's a chance the alternator could be bad to replace, in one way or the promotion ofBattery can not solve the problem). When laying the cables in your car, then you need to find another car for the promotion. This is dangerous, because so very expensive parts in the vehicle and can damage the wizard. There is a change in the connection of the cable in the wrong, if you are not familiar with the process when this happens, you can disable each of the two cars involved, and the good result in higher repair costs. The best way to do it if you choose to increase the car,with a portable amplifier. Some have a switch that will prevent sparking. Some models are equipped with a device that polarizes the system automatically. So it will be impossible to connect in the wrong direction. Some may be connected directly to the lighter, but requires more time, why let the bad battery charge amplifier for a little 'if you can start the car once it burns out the fuse in line, or you have cable.

Even after receiving the machine running whenThey separate the self-help and leave your car running to recharge the battery will be weak again bring serious damage to the alternator. The generator is not responsible for batteries that are too low or zero-volt charge, but to charge them. The correct way to do this is when you go with a portable amplifier is connected to the car, the alternator is charging slowly and do not stress yourself one. The generator is able to detect the state of battery charge and also the systemApplication of tension. Will charge accordingly. If the battery is very low will be loaded without interruption, so self-incrimination and overheating. After 30 minutes or so you can pull the booster and then drive the car for a little 'more, the battery is fully charged. Even better is the only car in the nearby service station or call a mobile service, when you get home. If you are driving your vehicle at night or daytime running lights, which is a bit '. Of course, afterProblems with a battery, and get the car running, is the smart thing to do to your favorite technician to check the system to have peace of mind for everyone.

Another thing you should know is this, sometimes you have to install a battery, or soon after (one or two days), why? There are several reasons, the battery may be faulty (very rare), or is a temporary problem with the charging system or a device to be a little draining after powerfrom the machine. New cars have many computers and use a small amount of power when the machine is turned off, but it is a very small amount and it should not drain the battery in about less than 3 months. If this is the case, because a computer could stay awake too long or a short intermittent. If this happens to you, shaken not think they sell a defective battery, or that the mechanic is incompetent. The Carr was diagnosed again to see what has happened.

Theproper way to jump start a car.

This is how I recommend you run a cable from the battery jump. This requires a little 'more than most of the recommended publications, however, is the sure way to do it. I am a professional mechanic with 28 years of experience.

Before you ever thought always jump out of the cable, you must:

 First, it will not hurt if you read the manual, there are many details of the procedure. For example, if the battery"Hidden", etc.

 Make sure that both cars are within reach by cable car.

 Check the battery for signs of damage. A broken battery compartment is not a good sign. Do not jump when you see the cracks in custody, or discharge.

 Set the emergency brake on both cars and turn on ignition and other accessories, in addition to the flasher as mentioned.

 Keep at least one of the vehicles turn signals and other safety equipmentlike rockets, etc. appear.

 The battery terminals should be free of corrosion and dirt o. Use at least clean water and a wire brush.

 Make sure that both cars have the same voltage and polarity. Some cars are grounded on the positive rather than negative, although rare. Most of the cars on the road have 12 volt batteries. With the advent of hybrid vehicles I strongly recommend that you simply call an expert. Hybrid cars have a very high-voltage battery. 12 VoltBatteries not hurt you, even if you touch both terminals but hybrid use much higher voltage. Also, do not connect the cable to the back, very bad things can happen when you do.

 Wear protective eyewear at least one that includes a face mask. The gloves are nice. Not in the battery fluid, to touch you, your clothes or the paint.

 In very cold weather to ensure that the electrolyte is not frozen. (Use a flashlight to check, etc., not easily).

 Be veryBe sure to touch the engine with no moving parts like belts, fans, etc., during the course of proceedings, etc. with either cable or clothes or jewelry

 Now the part of the cable (see figure at end of article) before securing the terminals are not touching each other to connect to avoid sparks. Batteries emit explosive gases, in particular, can kill you if it ignites. Even if the cable must be aware of heat that is too thin or the engine couldbe completed for any reason. The starter can also be bad (grounding, of course). You can also crank the car too long. Check that the terminals are connected correctly. Let cool a little system.

 If something like skylights, after the cables are connected, the cables are connected properly.

 The first terminal is connected to the positive as recommended in the donor, then the car parking for the disabled (both when on batterypossible).

 Then connect the negative cable to battery terminal donor of the car and make sure that the engine can connect to the handicapped parking access to the cable there.

 When the cars start to end, at least keep the lights on the help line at any voltage spikes from damaging sensitive circuitry in many forms on the cars of today.

 (+) is positive (usually red). (-) Is the negative terminal (usually black). This cable isThe chassis and engine block from the battery.

 logoff sequence is the reverse order of connection

 Smoking is not the time that I recommend you drive to work nearby.

More information about this.

Do not connect the batteries in a series circuit, you will get twice the voltage and blow a lot of things like computers.
This will certainly damage the electrical system to say the least.

Some car alarm systems allowif the battery is low or not connected. Re-read the manual for information on these and how to restore it.
Each manufacturers use different systems.

When jumping a car, you must remove the battery with the car "donor" for at least 5 minutes or more, if possible, then try to separate the cables to start the car. If the machine does not run or crank a little 'more slowly, then reload the donor with a machine, with cables connected try to crank the parking space for disabled people.

WhenSelecting a set of jumper cables make sure you have a good quality. The thicker the cable the better. Saving here is a bad choice. The cheap cables can overheat and in many cases, or simply do not burn, if you use (low-cost construction around the brackets). Also, do not get shorter or longer. The center will be better.

Never crank a vehicle more than the recommended procedure in the manual (usually no more than 10 seconds) to avoid damaging the starter. IfThe car cranks over very long periods of time, since then you could have big problems not just electrical. Always wait a while 'before trying again to avoid damaging your starter or battery damage donor.

If you connect the cable to the last handicapped parking will see a lot of spark to make sure that there are at something, or are the cables correctly (polarity) connected because some sparks are normal since the disabled vehicle's battery is probably very small or simplyDead.

There are some top of the line cables that have an infallible device connecting them wrong.

Whenever the battery is too low completely weak. Unlike deep-cycle batteries on boats or campers are not designed for car batteries and after a few discharges just quit completely

The batteries are used most commonly known as "accumulators" to be known and you can guess why not? Yes, save electricity, and the alternator has the duty, to keep it charged, does not computefrom 0 volts, is that the job of a charger.

A battery will not be damaged if kept in a concrete floor instead of on a piece of wood to get. The way these are designed to prevent batteries today.

You do not need to go there and a lot of money for a battery to the dealer, not to mention the cost of towing. The battery that meets the specifications of your vehicle will do well if properly cared for. The trick is to get the right battery, which means the ability to right. Never use one that has lessthat is required. A little 'bigger is better.

Some batteries have a small window saying that a green or black screen when the battery is in good condition. Now, this ad is not very accurate for this, because it measures only the charge state of only the 6 cell battery. Another cell may be bad, and was an indicator of "green" even tough the battery has only about 10 volts, not enough to get the start in order to fix a car. Some of the devices in cars may stillHard work. The car will crank very slowly.

If by chance the acid into his eyes, he does everything to get it out first. The more it stays the greater the chance of damage to the cornea.

If you suspect a bad cable connection start-up, do not move when the connection is connected. Disconnect one parking space for disabled people at first, then move then the other suspects. Remember, you want to avoid sparks.
After using jumper cables to wash them with water ifpossible and store it in the bag they came in this to avoid any damage to your luggage acid, which remains attached to the terminals.
Always work in a well ventilated area.

The generator. The heart of the system.

If your alternator is bad, it was the cause of the battery, then jump the battery is not to get too far. In fact, you probably will not be able to drive a mile. You could end up in an area where nobody knows youwho is also wants to do to help.

It could if the alternator or battery charger or exhibited before the battery is dead, then it is once again jumping the car charging system will have a problem. There will be a good idea to have a competent partner.
A generator may not work, even if you do not see a red light on the dashboard tells Sun

If they are aware and want to test your charging system with a voltmeter, consider this, some manufacturers of automotive systemsthat will not charge when the battery is full. This is done to avoid overloading and (less air resistance of the motor) and in miles per gallon increase, this also helps the life of the generator.

Alternators are not "free" batteries (especially newer cars, are usually weak in this area) equipment. Your task is to create a fully charged battery remains that in this way.
If a battery fails for some reason the alternator has to work overtime to make it normal again.The use of daytime running lights is one of the reasons why not many generators prematurely, the alternator works harder than in a normal system. But have a good precaution. Even accessories such as stereos at the factory does not show very well put a question, installed on a system of bag is not designed for such loads. There are some high-amp alternators for these cases. The use of multiple batteries helps. Consult an expert in this area for their support.

NeverTo "test" to separate a terminal running car battery, the charging system. It 'been a long time ago, before the car has begun to do with your computer. But now this can and will damage very expensive components. In addition, it can create sparks that could cause an explosion. Believe me, many people still try this method with the alternator, even people who "think" you know how some aircraft mechanic.

Starting a car connected the cables and run them could be harmed systems of both cars.Things like computers, etc. I have solved many vehicles with bad alternators and these computers. That's why I charge the battery a lot from his good friend the car to recharge bad year for at least 10 minutes. Then you can unplug the cable and start the car with no damage. There is a theory in which two cars can damage the cables are connected to generators. I the date of this article with some facts on this.

Push, you can not go too fareither.

Another way is to start a machine is started by pressing a button. This is not recommended. First, the damage to the powertrain is possible (expensive), especially when often. Secondly, as already mentioned, when the machine is not published because the battery is discharged, the alternator is working hard to recharge the battery when you run it. If the problem is the alternator, the machine does not work too far away to nothing, because the battery is always a charge so that it will be very soon.Push-start should be made only in cases of extreme urgency. As I said, be smart and call a professional.

I hope the information here was a help to you. As always, no one is perfect. If you think it is a mistake or want to add something to this article, by all means contact me directly.

Given the low cost of replacing the battery with a new one and after reading this information is secure enough to choose rather than risk not to take a jump, instead ofBattery. Unless, of course, you are a professional and / or already know what I have written here.

Cars today are very complex machines, it is better to leave things to the experts when it comes to dealing with them. You actually save more money (or even his own life), how to avoid costly mistakes.

CMT of Miami is working on all makes and models of vehicles. We specialize in installing the battery and alternator. If you use our services, you can be sure that you get thecorrect battery and professional service to your door at a fair price.

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